Our Team

William E. Hough

Executive Vice President and Director of Business Development

William E. "Bill" Hough is executive vice president and director of business development for CPX Energy. Bill has more than 39 years of experience with domestic and international exploration plays, including project acquisition and development, maximizing production deliverability and economic viability. He has worked with numerous exploration and development companies putting acquisition and drilling opportunities together in every major producing basin in the United States. He has an extensive oil and gas network to acquire producing properties, joint ventures and drilling opportunities for exploration, development and exploitation purposes.

Prior to CPX, Bill was a project land advisor team lead with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation.

Previously, Bill has served as land manager with Mansfield Capital Group managing their real estate and oil and gas operation activity. Bill started his career with Hunt Energy Corporation and has also worked in management and supervisory roles for numerous other E&P companies such as Amerada Hess, IP Petroleum, SCANA, Ocean Energy and Anadarko Petroleum.

Bill is a graduate of the Price College of Business University of Oklahoma with a B.B.A. in finance and petroleum land management. He is a member of the AAPL, PBLA and HAPL, having served on numerous HAPL committees including as a past office on the board.